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How to Buy the Books: Our materials are available through leading bookstores and online.
Visit Ruth's Amazon page here: Ruth's page at Amazon.com
Visit Ruth's page at Stenhouse Publishers here : Stenhouse Publishers
Visit Scholastic Publishing here: Traits Writing from Scholastic
Visit International Literacy here: Ruth's work with the International Literacy Assn.
Visit Solution Tree Publishing here: Ruth's books from Solution Tree
We are thrilled to announce our latest product, Modes in Focus: Narrative, Informational, and Opinion Writing. These K-5 grade level kits with all new mentor texts, lessons, and read-aloud videos for the in-person or online writing teacher, are an instant staple for your writing classroom!
“Leading writing experts Ruth Culham and Libby Jachles provide literature and lessons for narrative, informational, and opinion writing. Modes in Focus is designed to support educators and students with ready-to-use lessons, mentor texts, teaching tools, and more. Each grade level kit includes six mentor texts supported by its own teaching guide tailored to the needs, abilities, and interests of your students. Culham and Jachles take the next step in writing instruction by linking mentor texts to the modes of writing and providing model lessons that get students writing immediately and enthusiastically!”
“There is power that resides in outstanding culturally diverse literature—a power that has the potential to engage students in reading and teach them about the art and craft of writing.”
We dream of a time when all students will be confident, capable readers and writers. When we teach students to read as writers using mentor texts, we awaken that dream and make it real. Imagine the power of providing students with books that show them their faces, their culture, their lives on every page. And imagine how every classroom’s collection of mentor texts can grow by adding books that celebrate diversity.
In Dream Wakers: Mentor Texts That Celebrate Latino Culture, Ruth Culham focuses her love of children’s literature—and her decades of work developing the traits of writing—on books that celebrate Latino life and culture. She provides a wide variety of ideas to teach writing using some of the richest and most beautiful children’s books available. Dream Wakers gives you:
• An annotated list of more than 120 books with do-it-today lesson ideas for teaching the traits of writing—Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, and Conventions. More than half of the books listed are bilingual or offer English and/or Spanish editions.
• Eleven original, insightful essays by renowned children’s authors of some of the featured books
• A handy reference chart that helps teachers locate books quickly by trait, genre, language, and author/publisher information.
Ruth encourages all of us to make sure students of all backgrounds have access to high-quality, culturally diverse texts and recognize the difference those texts will make in their reading lives, as well as in their perception of themselves as thinkers, learners, and citizens.
dream wakers wins award!
“Ruth’s book from Stenhouse Publishers, was named a 2017 Skipping Stones Book Award winner. Discover how using picture books steeped in Spanish culture and life is a rewarding and powerful teaching strategy to help students at any age learn to write.”
When you write, revise (endlessly), and eventually publish, it’s very scary to know your words and thoughts are “out there” in the world for all to read and criticize. So, imagine the courage it takes for me to say, “I love this book.”
Creating The Writing Thief was a joy ride for me from beginning to end, and I think the voice and ideas in the book reflect it. I’ve never been as happy writing as when I was working on this text. Seriously. The early reviews have been swift and overwhelmingly good.
The Writing Thief takes using mentor texts in new directions and with new purpose. It has wonderfully insightful passages about using reading to teach writing from some of your favorite authors and mine: Kate Messner, Ralph Fletcher, Nicola Davies, Lester Laminack, Toni Buzzeo, Lisa Yee, David Harrison, and Lola Schaefer. It has over 90 books and everyday text citations and teaching ideas organized by mode (narrative, informational, opinion/argument) and by the four key qualities of each trait (ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions, and presentation). It has updated writing research and thoughts about the Common Core State Standards.
“I really do love everything about this book including the cover and the title. Most of all, it has my heart on every page. I hope it finds a place in yours, too.”
The writing revolution is here.
Inspired by 25 years of research and best practices of thousands of teachers, Traits Writing is a revolutionary new writing program from Ruth Culham that helps every student become a capable, confident writer.
Built on the cornerstones of writing practices: writing process, writing workshop, and writing traits, with NEW grade-specific resources, Traits Writing can be put to work every day, week, and month of the school year. Containing carefully timed assessments based on reliable, easy-to-follow scoring guides, shows you how to inform and target writing instruction to meet each student’s needs.
Finally, get clear direction on whole-class, small-group, and one-on-one writing instruction—and all the tools to carry them out with.
6 + 1 Traits of Writing
No one creates trait materials like The Culham Writing Company. We have three families of materials for you to consider, beginning with these three core books.
There is no easier way to begin than at the beginning, and that means that--whatever your grade level--you should have a copy of the Theory and Practice text that was designed with those student writers in mind.
“Traits of Writing: The Complete Guide for Middle School was awarded the 2011 Teacher’s Choice Award! ”